2 min

Ep. 09 How to Be an Achiever at Any Age

Updated: Jan 25, 2022

How many times have you not believed in yourself? Or you were too scared to pursue more than one venture or career path?

Well, stay still to learn more because my guests on the show today are a mother-daughter duo who have gone the extra mile to get to their dreams. They are Tameika Isaac Devine and Jade Devine. Tameika is an elected official, a serial entrepreneur, a practicing attorney who founded her own firm, and owns a real estate investment firm with her husband.

Tameika explains how she helps companies with strategies and policies to support their team members. She also explains how she helps high achieving women to find what works for them in balancing work and family.

Jade Devine is Tameika’s 10-year-old daughter and the author of the book, The Dolls Come to Life (link to buy book below). She shares her journey to becoming an author and describes the process of creating the characters and getting the book published.

Listen to the episode to learn about Tameika and Jade on a deeper level.

Key Points:

● How to balance work and family by recognizing it is an achievable and unique experience.

● The importance of being yourself and embracing your uniqueness.

● Tamekia explains how she teaches Jade and her other children to pursue many career options and the benefits of owning a business.

● The importance of faith and family in Tameika’s life. Jade shares where she draws her courage and bravery.

Tweetable Moments:

“If you allow your priorities to drive your actions, everything else will work out perfectly.” - @TIDEVINE (Click here to re-Tweet)

“It’s okay to be yourself and just because you are different from other people doesn’t mean you should change for those people.” - 10-year-old author, Jade Devine (Click here to re-Tweet)


*FYI, I may earn a small commission for any Amazon links on my website. This does not affect the amount you pay, and I only link to products I strongly believe in, such as Jade's book. I even bought 5 copies of the book for my friends' kids because I loved it so much!

● Tameika’s website: https://adevinelife.com/

● LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tameikaisaacdevine/

● Twitter: https://twitter.com/TIDEVINE

● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tameika.i.devine/

● Jade’s Website: http://jadedevine.com/