Work with Me
I help women break free from what is holding them back from the amazing person they are, and step into their awesomeness.
Whether you work best 1:1, small groups, or in a community where you can be as much or as little engaged as you want, there is a perfect fit for you.
Courageous Worth 1:1 Coaching
I help women & men break free from thought patterns holding them back from the amazing person they are at their core.
Whether it's learning to . . .
Find confidence in who you are
Make peace with your body
Get "un-stuck" in life or
Navigate the world as a trauma survivor
I'm here to help guide you along your journey.
Courageous Worth
All of the Courageous Worth Programs are housed on an online space that not only offers the program, but also community.
Whether you long to truly accept your body in the Body Confidence program, or to live out of your worth in the Worth Warriors monthly membership, the special power in each is the community of other women sharing and encouraging.
Found out more about each by clicking below . . .
Who am I?
Hi! I'm Ashley Baxter!
In the aftermath of being sexually assaulted, I learned how crucial it is to fight for heart.
I learned to truly value myself for the first time, and I want to help you do the same.
Your heart is valuable and desperately needed in this world.
I would love to chat with you to help you see your worth more and live out of that awareness. During the free call you'll gain a crystal clear vision for eliminating negative self-talk, uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your success with recognizing your worth, and leave the session renewed, energized, and inspired to finally embrace your worth.
I believe your truest self is a force to be reckoned with
and is desperately needed in this world. I look forward to speaking with you to help you in living out your truest self.