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Heal  to Restore Heart

Your heart was full and free when you were born, then one day things changed. Perhaps it was an unforeseen traumatic event that instantly changed your life forever or a series of hardships. Whatever it is, you know it well. 


Your heart may have responded with numbness, denial, stuffing everything into a box, chaos, choosing to pretend you are someone else, or countless other responses.


You are reading this right now because you don't want to live this way anymore. You want to find more peace, more life, and more wholeness. You want to restore heart to your life.


I get it. In 2013 in my mid-30s I was raped. My life was changed forever in that moment. 


Through my healing journey and from helping others with their healing journeys, I have learned why healing in life's hardships is crucial. It sucks and is gut-wrenching, but it is of the utmost importance.


Your heart is precious and desperately needed in this world - and when we don't deal with the pain, part of our heart goes numb.


I don't want you to live another day staying where you have been.


Click the link below to sign up for a 90-minute session with me for $275 USD to discuss your healing journey ahead. 


What You Will Get from the Session:

  • Safe, confidential, and open space to share

  • Learn what healing looks like for you

  • Setting you up with tools and support to get started

  • Encouragement as to why your heart is worth fighting for


Things to Know:

  • I am a certified coach

  • I am not a licensed mental health professional

  • I have volunteer counseled hundreds of people


Take the next step in your healing journey by booking a call with me. I look forward to talking with you soon about restoring more heart to your life.

Ashley Baxter Healing Coach Restoing Heart.jpg

Hi! I'm Ashley


As a certified life coach and transformation specialist, I help people move forward, practice self-love and become empowered to live their lives fully.


​I draw from my own personal struggles, trauma, and over 20 years of counseling others to help anyone find more healing, wholeness, and step into the best version of themselves. 

​I focus on healing, self-acceptance, & confidence with my clients. I have worked with hundreds of women through the years.


I am heart-centered, with an entertaining, empathetic, and kind approach.


I believe in unicorns, and never pass up the opportunity to make others laugh or travel the world. I am based out of Wilmington, NC but am often a digital nomad working remotely in beautiful places.

Ashley was a huge part of my healing from a traumatic experience. She was able to help me deal with my past experience and teach me healthy coping mechanisms and skills to move forward.



Don't let the pain steal one more moment of your life. Invest in your healing today by booking a call. Your healing and your heart are worth fighting for.


*DISCLAIMER* Information or services provided by Ashley Baxter LLC are not medical treatment and should not be seen as a substitute for therapy.

*Affiliate Disclosure* As an Amazon Associate, I may earn commisions from qualifying purchases from

© 2023 by Ashley Baxter, LLC · 1121 Military Cutoff, Suite C, #169 ​| Wilmington, NC 28405 ·

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