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Ep. 28 Minimalism Begins in Your Mind with Ivone Eveline

Interview with Ivone Eveline - Fancy Minimalist - Minimalism Lifestyle Living - Courageous Worth Podcast

Contrary to popular belief, adopting a minimalist lifestyle doesn't start with your clothes, it starts with your mind.

On this episode of the Courageous Worth Podcast my guest Ivone Eveline "Eve" shares what led her to a minimalist mindset and how she helps others find it as well.

Eve has a background in fashion design, visual design, and business management. She is the creator of The Fancy Minimalist, a micro-movement I created in May 2020.

Her mission is to help and guide people by encouraging mindset works on their journey towards minimalism.

In this episode Eve shares what led her to a minimalist mindset and how she helps others find it as well.

Connect with Ivone Eveline:



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